Gustavus F. and Ann M. Swift Distinguished Service Professor, Department of Sociology
Abbott's major research interests lie in the sociology of occupations, professions, and work, the sociology of culture and knowledge, and social theory. Abbott also has longstanding interests in methods, heuristics, and the philosophy and practice of sociology. Abbott is currently completing The Social Process, an exposition of processual sociology as an empirical and normative project. He has recently published new work in German (Prozessuales Denken: Reflexionen über Marx und Weber. Hamburger Edition, 2019.) and in Italian (Lezioni italiane: l’eredita della Scuola di Chicago. Orthotes, 2018.) He has two new books forthcoming in Chinese translation ([Beijing Lectures: Shangwu] and [University Education and the Future of Knowledge: Sanlian]. His lectures on facts and values at the Collège de France are forthcoming from the Press of the Collège. Together with Barbara Celarent, Abbott has recently undertaken an effort to bring the global repertoire of social theory into the American sociological community. Their six-year series of review essays on classics of social thought from around the world has discussed works of past social thought from China, India, Brazil, Turkey, and many other countries. These review essays have appeared in the American Journal of Sociology, of which Abbott was Editor from 2000 to 2016. They will all appear early in 2017 as the collection Varieties of Social Imagination.