Professor and Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow, Department of Computer Science
Systems expert Shan Lu joined UChicago’s Department of Computer Science in 2014. Shan's research focuses on software reliability, particularly detecting, diagnosing, and fixing concurrency bugs and performance bugs in large software systems.
In 2018, with support from UChicago Global, Professor Lu established the Student Summer Research Fellowship Program, which seeks to increase UChicago Computer Science’s profile abroad and grow diversity in the undergraduate pipeline. The program’s success and positive feedback from both students and faculty participants has provided best practices for several other units conducting similar summer undergraduate research programs, including the Department of Chemistry, Department of Mathematics, and the Biological Sciences Division.
Shan currently serves as the Vice Chair of ACM-SIGOPS (2015--) and the Associate Editor for IEEE Computer Architecture Letters. She will serve and already served as the technical program co-chair for USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI) in 2020, USENIX Annual Technical Conference (ATC) in 2015, and ACM Asia-Pacific Systems Workshop (APSys) in 2018.