Professor and Chair, Department of Chemical Biology
Peking University
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The chemical diversity of DNA, RNA, proteins and other biomolecules, as well as the interactions between them, create the complexity that underlies human development. Scientists are applying chemistry tools and chemical knowledge to explore fundamental biological questions that will ultimately lead to a deeper understanding of life processes and human disease. Learn about this emerging discipline and the collaboration that positions PKU and UChicago as pioneers in this field.
Professor and Chair, Department of Chemical Biology
Peking University
Dean, College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering
Changjiang Distinguished Professor, Department of Chemical Biology
Peking University
John T. Wilson Distinguished Service Professor, Department of Chemistry
The University of Chicago
Vice President for National Laboratories, Science Strategy, Innovation, and Global Initiatives
Liew Family Professor in Molecular Engineering, Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering
The University of Chicago
Senior Scientist, Center for Molecular Engineering
Argonne National Laboratory