Dean, School of Economics and Management
Mansfield Freeman Chair Professor, Department of Economics
Director, National Institute for Fiscal Studies
Director, Institute for State-Owned Enterprises
Tsinghua University
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China’s economic growth over the past four decades has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty and established it as an economic powerhouse. Today, China's economy continues to grow at rates unseen in other countries hit hard by the COVID pandemic. What is the key to China’s economic success, and what challenges does the Chinese economy face in the years ahead?
The Becker Friedman Institute in China (BFI-China) was launched in 2018 to deepen economists’ understanding of these and other questions by working in partnership with leading Chinese institutions and scholars. The Tsinghua University - University of Chicago Joint Research Center for Economics and Finance, led by BFI-China and the Tsinghua School of Economics and Management, is a first-of-its-kind partnership that brings together economists from both universities to produce frontier insights on major issues in Chinese economic policy.
Watch the video of leaders of this historic initiative discuss the factors driving China’s economic expansion, how government and financial institutions evolve to become more efficient, and how their research can inform China’s policymakers to catalyze ongoing economic transformation in China.
Dean, School of Economics and Management
Mansfield Freeman Chair Professor, Department of Economics
Director, National Institute for Fiscal Studies
Director, Institute for State-Owned Enterprises
Tsinghua University
The Milton Friedman Distinguished Service Professor in Economics, the College, and The University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy, The Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics
Director, The Becker Friedman Institute for Economics at the University of Chicago (BFI)
Director, Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago (EPIC)
The University of Chicago
Fuji Bank and Heller Professor of Finance and Jeuck Faculty Fellow, The University of Chicago Booth School of Business
Director, The Becker Friedman Institute for Economics China
The University of Chicago
Phyllis and Irwin Winkelried Professor of Economics and PCL Faculty Scholar, The University of Chicago Booth School of Business
Co-Director, Development Economics Initiative, The Becker Friedman Institute for Economics at the University of Chicago
The University of Chicago
Opening Remarks
Senior Advisor to the President
The University of Chicago
Celebration Welcoming Remarks
The University of Chicago