Supratik Guha is a Professor at the Pritzker School for Molecular Engineering at The University of Chicago, and Senior Staff Scientist and Scientific Advisor at the Argonne National Laboratory. Prior to 2015, Guha spent twenty years at IBM Research where he last served as the director of physical sciences responsible for IBM’s worldwide research in the physical sciences. At IBM, he pioneered the materials research that led to IBM’s high dielectric constant metal gate transistor, one of the most significant developments in silicon microelectronics technology. His current research interests are in the area of materials and devices for information processing, and cyberphysical sensor networks. In the latter context, he has been extensively involved in the setting up of water quality networks across Indian rivers. Guha is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and a 2018 Department of Defense Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellow. He is also a fellow of the Materials Research Society, American Physical Society, and the recipient of the 2015 Prize for Industrial Applications of Physics. He received his PhD in materials science in 1991 from the University of Southern California, and a BTech in 1985 from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur.