Particle accelerator at the Weizmann Institute of Science

Weizmann Institute of Science


Request for Proposals | AI+Science Collaborative Research Program

Weizmann Institute of Science (WIS) and University of Chicago (UChicago) scientists are invited to submit joint proposals for collaborative projects on AI and its intersections with the sciences. The overall goal of this program is to initiate and support collaborations between WIS and UChicago in AI-enabled scientific discovery across the physical and biological sciences, advancing core AI principles and training a new generation of diverse interdisciplinary scientists.

Successful proposals will set ambitious goals with the potential for significant impact in science and technology.


  • WIS: Senior Scientists and higher rank. UChicago: faculty and OAAs
  • Each application must include at least 1 PI from each institution (WIS and UChicago)
  • Only one application per PI per cycle will be accepted

Areas of Focus:

Priority will be given to proposals that address one or more of the following research themes:

  • AI’s use to uncover or better understand fundamental natural laws
  • Enhancing the precision of scientific measurement using AI methods
  • Physics informed machine learning
  • Advancement in AI theories and methods

Amount: The program will fund at least one and not more than eight teams in total, at a maximum level of $400,000. Each institution will grant up to $200,000 to its scientists, to be divided by the awarded teams from each institute according to their needs. Note that there will be no money transferred between institutions.  

Support period: 2 years.

Submission date: Closed