Supratik Guha, professor in the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering and senior advisor to Argonne National Laboratory’s Physical Sciences and Engineering Directorate, has been appointed as faculty director of the Center in Delhi for a three-year term. As faculty director, Supratik will direct the Center’s academic agenda, lead the Delhi Faculty Steering Committee in reviewing and awarding the annual Provost’s Global Faculty Awards for India and South Asia, and ensure that the Center meets the broad needs of the University of Chicago community. He will succeed Dipesh Chakrabarty, the Lawrence A. Kimpton Distinguished Service Professor of History, South Asian Languages and Civilizations, and the College, who has served as faculty director of the Center in Delhi since 2018.
Professor Guha is a world-renowned expert in the use of nanoscale materials for information processing technologies. As a scientist and executive at IBM for 20 years, he pioneered developments in silicon technology that are in wide use in smartphones and high-performance computers today. His current research agenda focuses on building new types of memories for computing, new methods of atomic scale fabrication, and sensors for geospatial networks for terrestrial ecology. Guha is deeply engaged with the Center in Delhi through a long-running project developing a geospatial sensor network for water sensing in Indian rivers, developing a methodology for measuring, curating, and analyzing river water quality across large geographical areas. He has also worked extensively to raise the University of Chicago’s profile at key Indian higher education institutions.