The Provost's Global Faculty Awards (PGFAs) seed projects that mobilize UChicago faculty across borders to engage in transformative research partnerships with the global community.
The Provost's Global Faculty Awards provide annual cost-reimbursable awards of up to USD $30,000 to support international faculty activities with a collaborative element in key regions where the University of Chicago has strong engagement, currently including mainland China, Hong Kong and East Asia, South Asia, Latin America, and Sub-Saharan Africa. The Awards are open to all UChicago faculty and other academic appointees from all schools, divisions, and fields of discipline.
This program aims to activate and amplify relationships and research collaborations between individual researchers and institutions around the world. The ideal submission should showcase UChicago scholarship in a project incorporating meaningful participation and expertise from both the University and a partner institution in the target region.
To see FY25 Awardees click on each region here: Mainland China, India and South Asia, Hong Kong and East Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Sub-Saharan Africa.