My global partner has asked to develop a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for our collaborative work. Is this necessary?
An MOU is a written agreement between two or more parties that establishes a partnership. Each MOU serves a specific purpose—visiting scholar or exchanges, students exchange, resource sharing, etc.—depending on the needs of the person or entity initiating the agreement. This document can be a helpful resource in setting the terms for engagement. Guidance on establishing an MOU can be found here.
I’m planning for international travel. Where can I find information about visa requirements and anything else I should know before I depart?
UChicago faculty and students can find planning resources for University-sponsored travel on the UChicago Intranet, including links to the University's preferred travel agency, travel insurance and registration, passport and visa assistance, and health resources. If you would like to be connected to potential partners abroad, please reach out directly to UChicago Global.
I am a faculty member who is engaging students from partner institutions. What should I be thinking about?
UChicago Global is available to share best practices developed by other faculty on campus and is happy to share a framework and other resources that might be helpful. We are also interested in learning from you as your program could potentially be a resource for others moving forward. Please reach out to global@uchicago.edu with any questions or comments.
How do I feature my profile or work on the Global website?
In addition to the featured articles and profiles, the Global Directory is an opportunity to highlight all of your global work and partnerships. Please reach out to global@uchicago.edu and our team will be happy to help draft your profile or write a story about your recent engagement.