UChicago and Sangath launch a new project towards developing competencies for trans-inclusive health professional education in India
UChicago maintains deep relationships with peer institutions in the region and houses the world's leading centers for South Asian Studies, the South Asia Language Resource Center and the Committee on Southern Asia Studies. The University is home to one of the world's great collections for the study of South Asia; there are over 700,000 volumes related to Southern Asia in the UChicago Libraries covering all languages and dialects to South Asia.
The University of Chicago Center in Delhi provides a welcoming space to connect for conferences, public lectures, and training programs through vigorous scholarly encounters that are a hallmark of UChicago. In-country programs like EPIC-India and the International Innovation Corps work with local partners to translate rigorous research into policy and practice to make an impact on people's lives.
UChicago and Sangath launch a new project towards developing competencies for trans-inclusive health professional education in India
Professor Dipesh Chakrabarty recently accepted an invitation to extend his tenure as faculty director of the University of Chicago Center in Delhi and chair of the Delhi Faculty Steering Committee through June 30, 2023.
The University of Chicago’s growing presence within the Indian medical community has created major research partnerships, supported faculty exchange, and implemented meaningful policy and educational reform in India.
The Harris School of Public Policy and India’s first school of public policy partnered to create a new certificate program for all ISPP students and establish the Anubhav Lecture Series.
The University of Chicago celebrated the fifth anniversary of its Center in Delhi in November 2019 with programs showcasing the innovative research, partnerships and policy impact that the Center has helped foster in India.
The world's first emission trading scheme in Surat started in collaboration with EPIC and other researchers experiences positive results in its first month.
A new tool developed by EPIC, the Air Quality-Life Index (AQLI), reveals that if India reduced its air pollution to comply with the WHO’s air quality standard its people could live about 4 years longer on average, or a combined more than 4.7 billion life years.
The International Innovation Corporation's teams have worked on critical development areas that include education, energy and environment, skills and development, heath and social innovation.
Sci-ROI (Science and Research Opportunities in India), a U.S. based volunteer-driven not-for-profit organization, partners with WINSTEP Forward, is a gateway for young scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs in the U.S. to access professional opportunities across academic and private sectors in India, as well as in the United States.
UChicago Dr. Nishant Agrawal leads a project that is piloting a novel approach to diagnosing Oral Cavity Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OCSCC), which is a leading cancer and cause of death in India.