More Internal Funding Opportunities
Unit | Description |
Center for East Asian Studies | Supports CEAS faculty research, UChicago student grants and fellowships, library travel grants for scholars and advanced graduate students from outside institutions with no or few resources in EA languages, subventions for publishers of Japanese works in translation, as well as funding or co-sponsorship of proposals for programming, all of which are related to East Asian studies. |
Center for East European and Russian/Eurasian Studies | Compiles notices of fellowships and funding opportunities related to the region. |
Center for International Social Science Research | Supports internationally-focused faculty and graduate research projects in the social sciences at any stage of development through faculty book workshops and monograph enhancement awards, faculty research fellowships, dissertation completion grants, and field research awards. |
Center for Latin American Studies | CLAS awards research and travel fellowships for graduate students, as well as teaching assistantships in selected Latin American content courses. |
Committee on Southern Asian Studies | Supports fellowships, travel grants, small research grants, and special projects for UChicago graduate students. |
Development Economics Center | Funds exploratory travel, pilot programs, and research in low and middle-income countries for PhD students and faculty. |
France and Chicago Collaborating in the Sciences (FACCTS) | Provides seed funding for new and potentially fruitful project-based collaborations with French research institutions for faculty in PSD, BSD, and PME. Through a partnership with Argonne National Laboratory and Fermilab, researchers at these two national laboratories are also eligible for FACCTS support. |
France Chicago Center | Supports faculty intellectual and research initiatives related to or collaborating with France, as well as fellowships for UChicago students studying in France. |
Institute on the Formation of Knowledge | Offers two-year research grants and one-year seed grants for faculty in any division or school. |
International House | Offers graduate fellowships for engagement in the International House community, Global Impact Internships for graduate students, and Davis Projects for Peace funding for undergraduate students. |
International Institute of Research in Paris | Provides up to $50,000 for three-year projects, up to $30,000 for two-year projects, and up to USD $10,000 for single-year projects with a strong collaborative element in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. Individual research grants of up to $5,000 are also available. |
Kiphart Center for Global Health and Social Development | Offers rolling project development grants up to $10,000 and annual project implementation grants up to $50,000 to support the development and implementation of specific interventions and responses to global health and social development challenges around the world. |
Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society | Supports research on complex questions that require collaboration, inspire an interdisciplinary approach, and are informed by a humanistic perspective. |
Nicholson Center for British Studies | Offers grants for graduate and undergraduate students pursuing topics in the British Studies. |
Pearson Institute for the Study and Resolution of Global Conflict | Supports innovative, data-driven research that seeks to understand and reduce global conflict and demonstrates public policy impact. |
RNL Funding Page
The Office of Research and National Laboratories works to provide UChicago researchers and scholars with guidance, resources and central administrative support for their pursuit of new knowledge and novel solutions to the world’s most pressing problems.
URA Funding Page
URA provides support for projects at the University of Chicago in the areas of sponsored programs, research compliance, and eRA, Training, and Analytics.