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Provost's Global Faculty Awards

PGFA India and South Asia


The University of Chicago Center in Delhi provides a base for research, teaching and dialogue among scholars from the University, across India and around the world. It builds on a rich history of intellectual collaboration between Chicago and India. The Center is designed to serve scholars at all levels, and across all disciplines. It serves as a convening space for Chicago faculty and students, a gathering place for alumni, and a nucleus for rekindling old relationships and forging of new ones.

Recipients of the PGFA-Delhi are not required to hold activities at the Center in Delhi; activities may take place anywhere in India and South Asia more broadly. However, recipients of the Provost's Global Faculty Awards for Delhi will work closely with Center in Delhi staff as well as UChicago Global to plan and execute their planned activities.

The faculty director and members of the Center in Delhi Faculty Steering Committee may be consulted in formulating proposals. Prospective applicants are also encouraged to consult with UChicago Global staff at global@uchicago.edu regarding the substance of the proposal and budget.